My name is Rafael Faria and I am 22 years old. Currently studying Master in Digital Games Development Engineering in IPCA (Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave).
I'll use this website to showcase both projects made for my degree, but also personal projects that I have or will develop as a team or alone
For now I only have one project developed solely by me. For the first project of the class of Game Development Techniques we had to reproduce the game PacMan in MonoGame. Here's the link: https://github.com/LuRafaFaria/PcMan
The second project from the same class was to create a game on our choice also using MonoGame. I developed this project with my colleague Diogo Ribeiro. It's a top-down shooter where you gotta rescue a scientist from a island filled with zombies. Here's the link: https://github.com/LuRafaFaria/JTA